If you are interested in booking a session for your pet or even for yourself, please follow this link.
A word from Sheila and Debbie:
‘The Ideal Method’ of facilitating healing in people and pets was founded upon a need that we have witnessed in the world for a deeper connection between people, people and animals, and people and spirit (which is personal and unique for everyone). With Reiki energy healing as the foundation of every session, we weave in various methods of healing support as we are guided based on your or your pet’s needs that day.
Regardless of whether the reason for your visit is a physical, emotional or spiritual one, you can be assured that your concerns will be addressed in a gentle, supportive, and loving manner that will improve your own sense of well-being (and/or your pet’s, if the appointment is for them) and will improve your relationships with others as well. It is our desire and goal to erase your pain and suffering immediately so that you can live your life to its fullest potential, following your dreams and creating the life you imagine.
Healing Sessions for your Pet
There are two types of healing sessions that are offered for animals. You are welcome to choose which type is the best fit for your current situation but if you aren’t sure which one to choose, Sheila and Debbie will make that determination for you after gathering all of the pertinent information about your pet and understanding the goals you wish to achieve at the end of the session (or series of sessions).
Reiki Healing For Animals with Intuitive Messages
This is a Reiki session that is focused on the animal from the healer’s intuitive perspective. During this healing session, Debbie or Sheila will connect intuitively with your pet and will scan their body energetically to find physical imbalances or causes of physical symptoms. If there is a behavioral or emotional issue that needs to be addressed, they will connect with the animal energetically to find the cause of the issue and correct it. All physical, mental and emotional imbalances appear in the energy field as distortions and once those distortions are located with telepathic vision, they can be healed or strengthened. Many times, an animal may not know why they are sick or behaving a certain way. During these times when it is more beneficial to approach their symptoms from an outside (healer’s) perspective, this type of session is the best choice. Note that it may take more than one session to remedy the issue and you should notice improvement with each session.
Sessions can be conducted in person or at a distance. Distance (phone) sessions offer the convenience of staying in the comfort of your own home but receiving all of the same benefits as an in-person session.
Canine Massage
Human touch is an essential, healthy part of bonding with your pet. Massage comforts your pet just as it does humans and is a wonderful way to ease physical and emotional discomfort and stress. Massage wonderfully compliments your dog's care at any life stage and for all activity levels especially if your pet is having mobility issues due to age related illnesses or is recovering from an injury or surgery. Massage helps reduces pain, increase range of motion, and promotes relaxation to support the natural healing process. Therapeutic massage combined with Reiki gives your dog a comforting visit that reconnects him or her to the Universal Life Energy necessary for natural balance and wellness.
*Canine Massage is available at the Akron location only