I want to share with you some of the benefits of yucca root for your dog and also share with you how to best administer it safely. Part of feeding your dog a fantastic diet and caring for them the way nature intended means that your dogs will have extra years of life ahead of them to be an important part of your family. We see a great deal of senior dogs and cats that have come to a battle with Arthritis and it’s painful symptoms. Though glucosamine is an excellent aid in relief, better benefits are seen when used in combination with yucca and alfalfa. Together they can be a more powerful ally in your fight against joint pain and provide your pet a better quality of life in the golden years you have yet to enjoy with your pet. There are actually benefits for all life stages that include aiding in digestion, food boosting properties, relief of skin ailments, and odor reduction in urine and waste.
Yucca’s usefulness comes from the generous quantities of vitamin C, betacarotene, calcium, iron, maganese, magnesium, niacin, phosphorous, protein, and B vitamins that it offers. Saponin compounds however, form the bulk of beneficial properties. These saponins are plant glycosides that foam up when met with water. These foaming properties will aid with digestion and help absorb vitamins and minerals by assisting their passage through the intestinal wall. Your pet battling psoriasis or other skin issues? The foaming properties will make a shampoo to alleviate the itch. Yucca also has properties that inhibit the dog’s production of anhydrous ammonia, to you this means the urine and waste will smell less fowl. The only problem with that is that you want to make sure those scents aren’t a sign of a diet that is not properly balanced for your dog’s needs.
Yucca has been used to alleviate pain and inflammation in dogs that suffer from arthritis. According to both naturopaths and veterinarians alike, yucca has a 50-80% success rate in dogs who are living with constant pain. It has had the best results when combined with Alfalfa. Stimulation of appetite is also important in some dogs who are experiencing arthritis symptoms, half a teaspoon of dried or powdered root for every pound of food is suggested.
A word of caution, Yucca is considered a category 2 herb which means we are giving this to our dogs in small doses. You should not dose your dogs more than 4-5 days out of the week or if your female is pregnant. Your dog should be giving this to your dog sparingly and breaks should be taken between inclusions. This should never be used as a substitute for your dog’s balanced diet. Too much Yucca can cause digestive stress and dangerous bloating. Overall just do not overuse this herb. It is effective and intended to be used in only small doses with breaks in between.